Delicious & nutritious meals straight to the student.

Same day orders need to be in by 8.30am!

About Us

Let me tell you about us…

LunchOrders is an innovative, Waikato-based start up by Libelle Group. We are founded upon philanthropic principles, passionate about doing business for good. We exist to provide cost effective solutions for schools and parents by supplying healthy and nutritious lunches.

Really we are just a bunch of people, passionate about food and children, wanting to make the world a slightly better place! Have a read and feel free to be impressed!


Our vision is to empower every learner to reach their potential through nutrition-focused, food service solutions.


Feeding hungry learners great food.


Safety, Prosperity, Respect, Excellence


We achieve this by:

  • Supplying cost effective, delicious and nutritious meals for students and staff in school through an online internet based ordering platform.
  • Ensuring that no child goes through school hungry through empowering community to look after community
  • Educating and equipping whānau to make affordable and easy healthy meals.

So there it is! Sounds nice and official, doesn’t it? If you really want to get know us check out our Facebook page and share this exciting journey with us!!

To all of you, from all of us at LunchOrders – Thank you for stopping by and using our service!


Team LunchOrders

More Info

Now there is a solution that takes care of school lunches for good!

For Parents

No more crazy mornings trying to get all of the lunch boxes packed with sub standard unhealthy school snacks. With our revolutionary online ordering system, coupled with our specially designed Eat Smart menu, getting school lunches sorted has never been so easy.

Getting it done is as easy as 1.2.3

  1. Sign up to become part of the Lunch Orders family and add your hungry learners.
  2. Browse the delicious lunch options from our Eat Smart menu, pick a delivery date and place an order.
  3. Sit back and relax as our Lunch Orders team makes the order, ready for your hungry learner to pick up from the pick up point at lunch time!

You can order anytime, from any place, on any device. Just log onto your account and start browsing the Eat Smart lunch menu.

If your school is not currently being served make sure to register your interest and we will work with you to get LunchOrders delivering to the school.

For Schools

What’s the problem?

Currently some schools do not have a school food service solution, meaning students being fed becomes a challenge. In particular these challenges include:

Supplying cost effective, healthy meals

Many of the current onsite canteens do not have the space, time or expertise to create cost effective, healthy meals to sell at their canteens. This means that they generally rely on pre-packaged food they can heat up on site for resale. Often these pre-packaged foods are full of sugar, fat and preservatives. Although some canteens have followed the traffic light classification system introduced by the Ministry of Health, this is no longer strongly enforced meaning students are not presented with healthy options at their canteens.

Financially viable on site canteens

Many primary schools around the country no longer have canteens operating on their school premises because it is not financially viable. This is particularly true for smaller schools. This leaves many parents without any options to purchase school lunches. The low margins also mean that those canteens who are operating are struggling to get and keep quality staff and products for the school.

Archaic technology

Most primary school canteens currently are using a cash based ordering system. This involved parents having to write orders onto an envelope and dropping it in manually to the school. The canteen worker then has to transfer all orders by hand, checking cash along the way. The process is painstakingly slow and inefficient.

So what can we do about this?

LunchOrders is an innovative solution that address the above problems. Through the combination of using cutting edge technology and expertise in the field we are revolutionising the school canteen market.

The down low

We operate from a centralised commercial kitchen. A preset menu, compiled by chefs and nutritionists are available for parents and students to choose from. Parents are able to browse our menu through our innovative online ordering platform, and orders can be placed anywhere at anytime. These orders are then prepared for the day and delivered right to their classroom door in a personalised lunch bag. This menu and platform will be extended for exclusive staff menus as well. Lunch ordering will never be the same again.

How much does it cost to have the service at our school?

There is absolute no cost involved to have LunchOrders at your school. In fact, we work very hard to give a little back to the school through our lunch gifting initiative.

Will it require extra commitment from our staff?

We work with every school to customise the delivery times and processes to align with what best suites their systems. Many schools already have a distribution system in place, and we will connect with that to get the LunchOrders to the classroom. 

So how do we sign up?

If you would like to have LunchOrders at your school, please get in contact with us by emailing [email protected] and we will come and meet with you to discuss the options.

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